

Even I wanna go eFolosi now


Mc Chita has been on a mad one with his work ethic in recent memory. Not that he was ever known for slacking! He teams up with Matabele Bhoyi for this brilliant track. The production team is one that you should be familiar with if you are a Zim Hip Hop fan. I mean, who doesn’t know Tash Mwana Mai? I’ll admit that I am not familiar with Ulenni OkaNdlovu, who was on the production here as well. After listening to this, even I wonder where I have been.

The track is quite refreshing, if I can say so myself. It was delivered in an authentically Matabeleland way. The sort of feel you get when listening to artists from previous generations in other genres. The outro did it too. Shout out to all involved in creating this beauty. Matabeleland, Stand Up! Bulawayo, Stand Up!!

Im out, think it’s about time I took my girl eFolosi too!


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